
Katherine woke up suddenly and looked at the bed-side clock. It was three o’clock in the morning. Could it be? Again? It was the sixth night in a row that she had been waking up, always because of a strange noise outside. That night she decided to investigate what it was. She went downstairs and suddenly realized there was a shadow moving over the trees, the silhouette of a man with big wings. Kat was too terrified to go out, so she managed to call the police and tried not to panic. She looked through the window and tried to speak but she couldn’t. Words didn’t come out, and her face turned white. The police tracked the call and went to her house. When they arrived, Katherine was lying on the floor, almost dead. She refused to move, to speak, and didn’t take her eyes off the window, reflecting a warmhearted feeling in her sight. She was clearly waiting for something to dry her tears away. Suddenly a man in black clothes came in. They tried to stop him, but they couldn’t react, and only with his strong presence left them all standing without moving. The gorgeous man took Katherine in his arms and gave her a lovely kiss and together they flew to the sky with his beautiful black wings to a neverending rock n roll land.